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Give them the power to pursue their dreams

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Celebrating 50 Years of Junior Achievement of Lincoln | Del's Story
Blog from

 By JA Lincoln

Community Involvement

Junior Achievement has served the Lincoln community for 50 years, preparing students in kindergarten through 12th grade on financial literacy skills and entrepreneurship work. Junior Achievement now extends into multiple Nebraska communities, reaching 30,000 students...

Celebrating 50 Years of Junior Achievement of Lincoln | Brandon's Story
Blog from

 By JA Lincoln

Community Involvement

Junior Achievement has served the Lincoln community for 50 years, preparing students in kindergarten through 12th grade on financial literacy skills and entrepreneurship work. Junior Achievement now extends into multiple Nebraska communities, reaching 30,000 students...

Celebrating 50 Years of Junior Achievement of Lincoln | Beth's Story
Blog from

 By JA Lincoln

Community Involvement

Junior Achievement has served the Lincoln community for 50 years, preparing students in kindergarten through 12th grade on financial literacy skills and entrepreneurship work. Junior Achievement now extends into multiple Nebraska communities, reaching 30,000 students...

Qualities and Skills that Transfer to Entrepreneurial Success
Blog from JA USA

 By Hannah Henry


Every parent wants their child to succeed. To find their "niche" where their personality and skills will pay off in the long run. Fortunately, there is a professional space that is full of possibility and innovation for...

A Great JA Day on the Greens
Blog from

 By JA Lincoln

Community Involvement

This year’s event was a big success thanks to some very generous...

JA Honors Super Schools
Blog from

 By JA Lincoln

Community Involvement

This year’s honorees really went above and...

This Dinner & Auction Is Golden
Blog from

 By JA Lincoln

Community Involvement

Tables and sponsorships are on...

Flashback to the 90s
Blog from

 By JA Lincoln

Community Involvement

The 1990s were a time of major growth for...

Celebrating 50 Years of Junior Achievement of Lincoln | Nick' Story
Blog from

 By JA Lincoln

Corporate Responsibility

Junior Achievement has served the Lincoln community for 50 years, preparing students in kindergarten through 12th grade on financial literacy skills and entrepreneurship work. Junior Achievement now extends into multiple Nebraska communities, reaching 30,000 students...

Celebrating 50 Years of Junior Achievement of Lincoln | Harvey's Story
Blog from

 By JA Lincoln

Community Involvement

Junior Achievement has served the Lincoln community for 50 years, preparing students in kindergarten through 12th grade on financial literacy skills and entrepreneurship work. Junior Achievement now extends into multiple Nebraska communities, reaching 30,000 students...

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